Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy National Quilting Day!

Hooray!  What a great day!  And to celebrate, here's a picture of the Block You Thought You'd Never See:  Jennifer's New York Beauty.  Yes, folks, that's right - we are finished at last!  What's that, you say?  This is March and that block was due in *cough, cough* February?  Yes, well, let's just draw a veil over that small detail.  Here's the block.  Jennifer, please say you subscribe to the "better late than never" school of philosophical thought.
Jennifer's block - ISQB


  1. of course i do!

    PS-- good job. those curves look great. :)

  2. Lol - my curves are my best feature!

  3. Lesly, if I hadn't added a fabric from my stash my NYB would have looked just like yours -- only not as square :-) Good job!

  4. Beeautiful! Sew pretty and the curves are great! Curvy, curvy, curvy!
