Alright, this is what I have so far, doesn't it look awesome?!?
As of yesterday (today's mail isn't here yet), I have blocks from Suzanna, Madeline, Marianne, Claudia & Lesly.
I'm sorry I didn't post when I received each package-- as Lesly mentioned over on flickr (and I posted here on my blog), January has not been a very smooth month for me so far. Both of my parents are in poor health and in the last 3 weeks my dad (who will be 50 next month) has undergone 3 operations related to a hole in his intestine and resulting infection. Not fun. When I booked tix to fly home to see my family after the holidays I thought I would be in for 2 relaxing weeks of letting everybody play with my baby and enjoying some stress free time together. Needless to say, that's not what happened. Things are looking better for dad though, but he'll still have a long recovery. I'm back in NY with mixed feelings-- I know my help is needed in Chicago, but I have a life and a family here that can't be neglected either. I have a feeling some of you will understand how I feel. But anyway, when I got home Madeline's package was waiting for me, and Marianne, Claudia, and Lesly's all arrived the next week. Just what I needed -- some peace and quilting!
I've been working on my 9-patches while George sleeps and my piles are getting bigger slowly. The blocks you have all made are really amazing. It's so interesting to see the skills and handiwork of each of you. I can't wait to get the rest of the blocks.
Thanks for being patient with me as far as communication goes. Having this bee to lean on may just keep me steady all year. :)
(p.s. on the weightloss front-- don't ask. in my frazzled, stressed out state, I ate a lot of oreos and hot chocolate. but looking forward, i will get on track!)